If you live in a cold region and have difficulties charging your battery-powered Google Nest Doorbell or Cam, Google offers some solutions and recommendations. The business stated that “at temperatures below freezing, the lithium-ion battery in your Google Nest camera or doorbell would not be able to charge,” according to a help page released this week.
This comes after a January article from 9to5Google that mentioned the charging issues.
According to the support website, battery-operated versions of the Nest Doorbell and Nest Cam may work at minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius) as long as their batteries are charged. However, the temperature must be at least 32 degrees Fahrenheit for the batteries to recharge (zero degrees Celsius).
According to the manufacturer, as the temperature drops below – 4 degrees Fahrenheit, batteries may drain more quickly, potentially halving their life expectancy.
According to Google, bring your gadget to a warm area, “ideally room temperature,” to recharge your battery. As the battery warms up, it will gradually charge, moving faster as the temperature rises.
According to the support website, the Home app will indicate ‘Charging halted’ or ‘Charging slowly’ and a long-anticipated charge time when the battery is still cold. “As the battery heats up, the anticipated charge time will decrease.”
It doesn’t matter if your Nest Doorbell is connected to your current doorbell wiring or not: The battery is still powering your device, and it can’t charge below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, even if it’s “trickle charged” through the wiring. The doorbell will stop working if the battery runs out, and Google says you’ll have to bring it inside to charge it.
So, in the event of a power outage, you might want to set up a charging station next to your hot cocoa coaster.
If your Nest Cam is connected and has a battery, the camera is powered directly through the cables. So, suppose the battery dies and cannot be recharged because the temperature is too low. In that case, the camera will still operate down to minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit as long as the connected power supply remains operational. However, because the camera is only trickle-charged when connected to the Wasserstein Solar Panel, the battery might run out and die in cold weather, causing the camera to shut off.
A request for more information from Google was not immediately returned.