According to the government’s Facebook page, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense website was targeted by a distributed denial-of-service attack on Tuesday. DDoS assaults take down websites by flooding them with requests to provide online pages.
As of noon PT Tuesday, the military’s website was still down, with the Ukrainian military’s Facebook account stating that work is being done to get the site back up and running.
According to the Ukraine Center for Strategic Communications, the country’s largest commercial bank, PrivatBank, has been under a “major DDoS attack” for the past few hours. According to the bank, users’ cash held at the bank is not at risk, but the assault prevents customers from using the Privat24 application and monitoring their balances.
According to the Center for Strategic Communications, which was previously reported by Vice, online banking with Oschadbank is also offline.
The Tuesday campaign has yet to be linked to anybody. Still, it comes after Russia is thought to have launched repeated cyberattacks on Ukraine as part of efforts to undermine its government and economy, according to security experts.
According to reports on Tuesday, Russia, which has gathered over 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders, has pulled back some personnel. Russia has rejected any preparations to attack Ukraine on several occasions.